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Showing posts from 2013

The Homework Task that Pushed Me Out of My Comfort Zone

Twitter has allowed me to connect with a number of brilliant educators, lead learners, passionate presenters, and mentors. I've learned more from my PLN over the last year than I have from years of professional development. I've had CONVERSATIONS with authors and presenters that I've admired for years! Unreal. I look forward to many more connections and opportunities to learn with my twitter tweeps. Mark Luque is someone I admire and follow closely. He is a brilliant leader and I'm tickled that he chose me to be part of this Cool Homework Task (talk about positive peer pressure :)). I read his homework and thought, uh-oh...I have to blog to complete the task, yikes! I wasn't sure if I was ready for this. Honestly, a blog is something I considered and added to my 2014 Goals list along with completing my dissertation and a few other "minor" things. Thanks to Mark, the 2014 blog is now a 2013 reality. Fantastic! I hope to inspire others with my experiences ...