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Showing posts from March, 2015
The English Learner's Schooling Experience excerpt from my research on Long Term English Learners The schooling experience is a particularly crucial time for English language learners as they develop their academic identity.  From the moment English learners enter public schools, they are expected to adapt to the dominant language and culture, acquiring English and mastering grade level content at the same rate as their English only peers. These expectations have a “significant impact on the language skills and academic performance, as programs can either promote language loss or language maintenance and development over time” (Menken & Kleyn, 2010, p. 399).   In addition to the demands of mastering content in all curricular areas while learning the language, middle and high school teachers and administrators are ill prepared and struggling to support this diverse group of ELs.  “These students are likely to be segregated in the classrooms and in their comm...